Half way through!

Well, we’re two weeks in to the Challenge, and there hasn’t been a lot of noise from all y’all about how it’s been going!  So let’s do a little mid-Challenge check in. Please post your comments about these or other Challenge issues:

1. Has this been an easy transition or are you still figuring out how to “go Paleo”?

2. How’s your energy? Pretty even throughout the day, up-and-down, or ok til the evening when you suddenly  slump?

3. Noticing any physical changes? Fit of your clothes? Strength? Stamina? Sleep?

4. Any questions you’d like to have addressed that we haven’t hit on yet? for example, is anyone interested in Paleo and Mass Gain? Need more recipes? How about more info on why we avoid various foods?

5. What’s your state of mind/attitude like now that you are halfway in and have 2 weeks to go?

6. Any successes or difficulties you’d like to share?

11 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Jojo on March 16, 2010 at 5:42 am

    1 – I’ve been predominantly paleo prior to starting, but I did maintain my brown rice intake. I find that recovery is much more difficult without the brown rice. Maybe it’s my age, who knows.

    2- My energy is just about the same. I just grab a fruit or coffee (as long as it’s before 5pm…) and I’m all perked up. Recovery though is another issue.

    3- Strength may be an issue– we’ll have to wait and see..


  2. Posted by Rob Aloe on March 16, 2010 at 4:23 pm

    1. Has this been an easy transition or are you still figuring out how to “go Paleo”?

    Giving up milk has been the hardest thing, but the transition itself hasn’t been too difficult.

    2. How’s your energy? Pretty even throughout the day, up-and-down, or ok til the evening when you suddenly slump?

    Energy is sustained throughout the day. I was talking with Daniel yesterday at the gym about how there is a steady amount of energy all day. It’s great.

    3. Noticing any physical changes? Fit of your clothes? Strength? Stamina? Sleep?

    The pyhysical changes are definitely occuring but not as much weight loss as I expected. My sleep is awesome!

    4. Any questions you’d like to have addressed that we haven’t hit on yet? for example, is anyone interested in Paleo and Mass Gain? Need more recipes? How about more info on why we avoid various foods?

    5. What’s your state of mind/attitude like now that you are halfway in and have 2 weeks to go?

    I am starting to miss certain foods and bread. I have hit the point were my body feels cleaner though and that is a great deterrent for “cheating.”

    6. Any successes or difficulties you’d like to share?

    Saturday nights are difficult because it’s hard to be social and strictly adhere to the paleo diet. The wine is difficult to pass up.


    • Hey Rob, the suggestion at the Paleolithic Solutions seminar was that to lean out, men should consume no more than 50 grams of carbs per day (30g per day for women). I notice in your logs that you eat a lot of fruit – maybe cut back on the fruit and add more veggies, and make sure your total is 50 grams or less for the day… that should help!

      That sleep thing is great, eh? I have added Natural Calm (a magnesium drink) to my evening routine (as also mentioned at the PS Seminar) and now I sleep even better 🙂


  3. Posted by Miles on March 16, 2010 at 5:21 pm

    1. Has this been an easy transition or are you still figuring out how to “go Paleo”?

    From a macro standpoint, I think its not been so hard. However, I can’t see going complete orthodox — prepared sauces (salad dressings; pre-marinaded steaks; restaurant sauces) seem unavoidable — rather, way too undesirable to avoid.

    2. How’s your energy? Pretty even throughout the day, up-and-down, or ok til the evening when you suddenly slump?

    I think I have a bit more energy in the afternoon — its infrequent that long for the afternoon coffee (but still have afternoon snack — so the coffee was likely just a easy way to get calories. Overall, I don’t notice too much a difference either way.

    3. Noticing any physical changes? Fit of your clothes? Strength? Stamina? Sleep?

    Definitely lost weight — my college weight is within striking distance. My strength to weight ratio is likely up (b/c of the weight) — I’ll likely add more pullups to the initial benchmark (plus I’m finally getting kipping down). I doubt my crossfit total has increased (or decreased much).

    4. Any questions you’d like to have addressed that we haven’t hit on yet? for example, is anyone interested in Paleo and Mass Gain? Need more recipes? How about more info on why we avoid various foods?

    I’m not so clear on why the legume and dairy bans. Though, my guess is that the lack of milk is where I’m seeing the weight loss — subbing out tea/water for a several hundred milk calories a day.

    Perhaps some snacks to keep at the desk? I got the big tub of roasted almonds from costco, but I’m getting a bit almonded out. (ie, something that is room-temp stable, and doesn’t require prep)

    6. Any successes or difficulties you’d like to share?
    Agree with Rob on the — I’ve had a few drinks in the past 2 weeks, definitely looking longingly at the glass of wine my wife sometimes has with dinner 🙂


    • Miles, we’ll go into legumes and dairy ASAP! and also address the other questions that are coming up.

      re: nuts – do you like anything OTHER than almonds? I re-discovered pecans, thanks to Paleo, as well as macadamias, walnuts and cashews (which I’m avoiding at the moment in my 30g of carbs a day effort). Is there a fridge nearby? that could open up some options!


    • Miles, the piece on Legumes is up!


  4. Posted by Brian Medina on March 16, 2010 at 10:20 pm

    1. Has this been an easy transition or are you still figuring out how to “go Paleo”?

    The transitioning to Paleo hasn’t been super difficult. It definitely required more planning before grocery shopping and foresight about the upcoming week’s meals. Before the Paleo Challenge I’d head to the grocery store with maybe one dinner recipe in mind and then fill in the shopping cart as I wandered the aisles. Now I spend an hour or two a week planning out meals and researching recipes.

    2. How’s your energy? Pretty even throughout the day, up-and-down, or ok til the evening when you suddenly slump?

    Energy is pretty constant through the day. No major crashes. I have focused on

    3. Noticing any physical changes? Fit of your clothes? Strength? Stamina? Sleep?

    I’ve lost 4lbs so far. Stamina seems to be improving. I expect to see gains in my strength at the end of this as well. If there were more hours in the day I’d be able to sleep more.

    4. Any questions you’d like to have addressed that we haven’t hit on yet? for example, is anyone interested in Paleo and Mass Gain? Need more recipes? How about more info on why we avoid various foods?

    Paleo-friendly refreshing drinks. Water, lemon water, cucumber water, sparkling water, etc. all get boring after awhile.

    5. What’s your state of mind/attitude like now that you are halfway in and have 2 weeks to go?

    Finishing the last 2 weeks of the paleo challenge shouldn’t be a problem. Still interested in trying a few more recipes before its over. I had most of my cravings after week 1 and now they are not a problem.

    6. Any successes or difficulties you’d like to share?

    It’s been great not having any guilt about eating unhealthy food. Although I ate relatively healthy before the paleo challenge, I was never afraid to indulge in a burger or slice of pizza every now and then. Although eating greasy foods was infrequent, there was always a small amount of guilt afterwards. It’s definitely a better feeling fighting off the urge to eat bad foods rather than dealing with the guilt of eating poorly.

    I’m with Rob and Miles on juggling strict Paleo vs social outings. Sometimes that cocktail or glass of wine is too hard to pass up.


    • Brian – it’s great that you’re more conscious about your eating, and even though right now it consumes quite a bit of time planning & finding recipes, you’ll probably end up with a set of “favorites” you can go to regularly, supplemented by some improvisation based on what you have in the fridge, and some “foraging” amongst the recipe collections! Kind of fun, isn’t it?

      Have you ever been a tea drinker? there are lots of flavored herbal teas that taste great, hot or cold; I find them a lot tastier than plain water 🙂 Tazo makes a great Citrus one, and there are scores of them at Whole Foods. I hear there is a tea place at Valley Fair, but I haven’t been there yet; I’m a bit afraid to go, fearing that I’d return with $100 worth of new teas!


  5. Posted by Stacey M. on March 17, 2010 at 3:51 am

    1. Has this been an easy transition or are you still figuring out how to “go Paleo”?

    I think the transition for me has been fairly easy for me. Paleo is very simple. I already ate pretty healthy, it was just a matter of cutting the grains, dairy and legumes out completely.

    2. How’s your energy? Pretty even throughout the day, up-and-down, or ok til the evening when you suddenly slump?

    My energy level the first week wasn’t so good. The second week got better and was pretty even throughout the day and this week has not been so great in the mornings. I know this weeks decline in morning energy has to do with the time change. Even though my energy has been ok, I don’t know that I would have the energy to push super hard through a wod.

    3. Noticing any physical changes? Fit of your clothes? Strength? Stamina? Sleep?

    Yes! My clothes are getting looser and I’ve definitely lost a few pounds. I noticed my sleeping habits immediately.

    5. What’s your state of mind/attitude like now that you are halfway in and have 2 weeks to go?

    The first week was extremely difficult for me. I honestly wasn’t sure I would make it through. Now I definitely feel better about finishing the last 2 weeks. I’m proud of myself for sticking with it. I’m excited for it to be over, but I can see myself continuing with “paleo” in a less strict way.

    6. Any successes or difficulties you’d like to share?

    I’m still struggling through the lack of caffeine. I’m no longer having withdraws, but I miss caffeine.


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