Does Nutrition matter if you’re injured?

You might think that if you’re injured and unable to work out, all you can do is sit and wait until you’re fit to resume your usual activities.  That’s an option I suppose, but not a very good one. The fact is that not only can what you eat keep you healthy while you’re off, it can also help your healing.

We’ve had two great personal stories on PaleoChix this week from women who have had major injuries, time off, and a long road through recovery and rehabilitation. Eileen discovered that it was not just important to stay Paleo, it was time to relinquish her last “comfort food” — beer. Tamara learned that sleep, fish oil, and eating Paleo (itself an anti-inflammatory diet) were just the ticket to get back in action.

Sports Injury Bulletin suggests that BCAAs (Branched Chain Amino Acids) and Vitamin C are essential to healing. The article Nutrition as a key player in injury recovery focuses on foods that inhibit and promote inflammation, including fish oil. Dr. Loren Cordain had a great response in an email update to the “Paleo Diet” to a question about injuries and healing.

It’s worth doing a little research, but the short answer is “YES!” it does matter  what you eat when you’re injured!

Finding your inner cave woman…or man

I’m back!!!

Just when you thought I disappeared.

I’m still always looking for interesting things about Paleo that I think people would also find fun, exciting, and interesting!

Check out this article from The Denver Post entitled, “Their secret: Work out hard, and eat like a cave man.”

Find your inner cave woman…or man.

Just another Paleo reference from another source.



Like Indian Food?

Here’s a tasty recipe from Everyday Paleo. I LOVE butter chicken from the Amber India Restaurant as a special treat, but with this recipe it looks like I can make it myself! I’ll have to add to my spice collection first though (Fenugreek? don’t happen to have that on hand yet!)

Better Butter Chicken

2 1/2 lbs boneless chicken thighs
1 red onion diced
3 tbsp coconut oil
6 oz can tomato paste
½ can coconut milk
½ tbsp crushed garlic
½ tsp cardamom powder
½ tsp coriander powder
1 tsp fenugreek powder
1 tsp chili powder
1 tsp sea salt
4 tbsp ghee (clarified butter)

Cut the chicken thighs into bite size pieces and set aside. In a large skillet or soup pot, heat the coconut oil over medium heat and add the diced onion and saute until translucent.  Turn your heat down to low and to the onion and oil mixture, add the crushed garlic, cardamom, coriander, fenugreek, and chili powder and stir well to make a paste.  Add the tomato paste to the onions and spices and stir, this mixture will be very thick.  Turn your heat back up to medium and add the coconut milk and salt.  Use a whisk to blend the tomato paste spice mixture and coconut milk together into a thick sauce.  Bring the sauce to a simmer and add the chicken.  Return the sauce and chicken to a simmer, turn down to medium low, cover and cook for approximately 15 minutes or until the chicken is done all the way through – make sure you stir occasionally during the cooking process. After the chicken is cooked, add the ghee and mix into the sauce until melted.  Serve the chicken over steamed red chard or any other green of your choice.


Cardiovascular disease and nutrition

This is a re-post of a very thorough piece of writing my Steven Low of It’s long, but has terrific info on the causes of cardiovascular disease, pro- and anti-inflammatory foods, and of course what & how to eat to improve your health (hint: it should sound very familiar!) Enjoy!

The facts on cardiovascular disease

So I thought I’d take a quick break from writing the e-book/book to dispel some popular myths on this topic. For all of you wondering what I am writing the book about it will be on programming for beginners and intermediates for bodyweight strength training. I have a lot more information in queue besides what I listed in “The Fundamentals of Bodyweight Strength Training” so I hope you guys will look forward to that. Consider it as a preview to what the book will be about.

Table of Contents
I. What is cardiovascular disease?
II. Common myths of cardiovascular disease
III. How does atherosclerosis develop?
IV. Relating it all back to diet
1. Carbohydrates
2. Fats
3. Protein
4. Are you overweight?
V. The Conclusion
VI. Countering inflammation

What is cardiovascular disease?To the top

Cardiovascular disease, otherwise known as heart disease or CVD, is the leading cause of death in America today. An estimated 81,000,000+ people have some form of CVD, and there are over 800,000+ deaths per year – more than cancer, accidents, and HIV combined.

Most of the deleterious changes in the heart are due to a specific subset of CVD which is coronary heart disease or coronary artery disease. The cause of this specifically is atherosclerosis.

Atherosclerosis is the build up of fatty plaque lining the inside of the arteries. If left unchecked and allowed to proliferate, atherosclerosis will lead to high blood pressure, myocardial infarction (heart attack), angina pectoris, congestive heart failure, potentially stroke, and other life threatening conditions as well.

Common myths of cardiovascular diseaseTo the top

One common myth on the development of atherosclerosis is that fat is bad. All fat is bad. Or saturated fat is bad.

This is very misleading. Unlike the food pyramid and many of the organizations out there would recommend polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats are not universally good, and saturated fats are not universally bad. Fatty meat can be both bad and good – the correct answer is that it depends.

Another myth is that carbohydrates are good. If anything carbohydrates, especially refined carbohydrates are universally bad. Starches, which are complex carbohydrates, tend to be more on the neutral side of things but certainly not on the good side.

Fruits tend to be a bit on the more neutral side of things. While they do contain a large amount of simple sugars/carbohydrates, many contain a large amount of anti-oxidants which help buffer against the deleterious effects of simple sugars.

Another myth is cholesterol is bad. Cholesterol, especially dietary cholesterol, is not bad at all.

Lifestyle choices are the major reason that atherosclerosis develops. Eating right, exercising, and good sleep are all big factors in prevent cardiovascular disease.

We will look at all of this in more detail; however, first we will show you how atherosclerosis develops.

How does atherosclerosis develop?To the top

Let’s examine how atherosclerosis develops. I found this excellent picture of how plaque buildup begins and develops, and I will refer back to it as I need to. Each phase will be depicted by #1-6.

Photo from

1. Tissue damage and inflammation.

Inflammation is a normal response in the body tries to remove pathogens while trying to heal the body. Unfortunately, in many cases inflammation can go haywire such as when you sprain your ankle and it swells up to the size of a softball. The same is true of the initial phase of atherosclerosis.

We can tell the arteries are being damaged because macrophages start to gather around the artery walls. In the initial phase of inflammation when tissues are damaged, the damaged cells release cytokines which stimulate the immune system to start sending white blood cells (macrophages are one type) to the area because it thinks it is under attack.

Here is one such study confirming inflammations role.

2. Continued macrophage accumulation, and fatty streak.

Now, once the inflammation gets started if it is continually exacerbated through diet the body will keep sending macrophages to the area. This will lead to an accumulation of macrophages at the area.

The fatty streak is where the blood lipids come into play.

First, LDL and HDL are not cholesterol (LDL is commonly referred to as “bad cholesterol”). LDL and HDL are respectively low density and high density lipoproteins. These lipoproteins transport cholesterol and triglycerides to and from the cells of the body respectively.

Now, there are many forms of LDL. In the interest of brevity I’ll just tell you flat out that bigger is better. The bigger the LDL particle size is, the healthier you are. This is why if on your blood lipid panels you have a high LDL count it may mean nothing; you may be healthy if they particle sizes are all big.

Image from – because bigger is better (insert joke here)

Specifically, one of the abnormal forms of LDL is called oxidized LDL (oxLDL). It is “small and sticky” because oxidation of molecules makes them inflammatory (oxidation is an inflammatory process). More on oxLDL (onetwothreefourfivesixseveneight, etc. — google/pubmed oxidized LDL or oxLDL).

This is a big problem as we know because the arteries are already inflammed with macrophages gathering at the site. When the oxLDL-cholesterol and oxLDL-triglyceride molecules pass by the sites of inflammation in the arteries they very easily get stuck there because (1) they are small and get stuck in crevaces easily, and (2) because they are already inflammatory. Inflammation begets inflammation.

In addition, oxidation of the non-oxidized LDL particles and the fatty substances also generate reactive oxygen species (ROS). In other words, ROS = free radicals that add to the damage of the endothelial/artery cells and create inflammation.

This leads to an increased amount of fatty buildup via cholesterol and triglycerides bound to the LDL particles. These two processes occur simultaneously and build off each other.

3 & 4. Continued inflammation leads to continual macrophage and lipid accumulation.

This is self explanatory if dietary factors are unchanged.

The lipids accumulate and start to group together via hydrophobic/hydrophilic bonding and form cores of fatty streaks within the inflammed areas.

Here is a video summary of the first few steps.

5. Fibrosis and calcification.

Inflammation is the cause of these as well.

What happens when you get a deep gash or wound on the skin? As the wound heals it scabs over, and then falls off. However, underneath is usually composed of scar tissue. Fibrosis or fibrotic changes within the tissue being continually damaged (the arteries itself) will occur as the inflammation is allowed to continue.

Calcification seems weird on the surface, but is quite logical. One of the major risk factors in excessive inflammation is calcification of the site. When inflammation and excessive edema/swelling occurs within an injury such as a sprained ankle or muscle tear, the inflammation signals for the body to repair. Since there is calcium ions contained within the blood and lots of oxidized material, the calcium may start to precipitate out of the blood and form calcified solids.

So in the end, chronic inflammation leads to fiborsis and calcification of the fatty solids and macrophage tissue. Here’s a nice picture of what happens in this phase.

Photo from

6. Surface defects, hematoma, thrombosis.

This is where the crap is really hitting the fan.

As the atherosclerotic lesions start to grow bigger, they start forming oddly shaped structures or the surface becomes more inconsistent.

This is problematic because whenever you start moving around a lot (or even a little in the case of very bad development) the arteries themselves grow and shrink to accommodate blood volume and exercise stress.

Since the plaque itself is already hardened and fibrous, it is unlike arteries which are made to constrict and widen easily. Thus, the probability goes up that the arteries themselves will tear (an aneurym leading to hematomas – the collection of blood outside of blood vessels) or thrombosis (blood clots forming and blocking the flow of blood in the arteries – occurs with, you guessed it, inflammation).

This is where the really bad stuff starts occurring like heart attacks, stroke, etc. You are in a life threatening situation if this occurs.

In conclusion, chronic inflammation of the arterial walls is the primary cause of athersclerotic development.

Continued inflammation from dietary sources consitently aggravates the arterial tissue much in the way continued scratching a rash will irritate the skin. If done for long enough periods of time, the lesions on the arterial walls become “scab-like” and filled with pus (macrophages) which is trying to remove the “pathogens” which are the invaded oxLDL-triglyeride and oxLDL-cholesterol fatty substances.

One analogy I’ve seen is that poor diet is like taking a cheese grater to your arteries and rubbing. Every day at every meal. Sickening but true. But that’s what a poor diet does.

Relating it all back to dietTo the top

So now we know that the major cause of everything related to atherosclerosis is related to inflammtory processes gone haywire inside the body.

The problem is how exactly do we combat this if we do not know what foods are inflammatory or not?

This is where a lot of the current dietary recommendation of the government has gone wrong. The low fat diet does not work. The food pyramid does not work.

Let us take a look at foods.

CarbohydratesTo the top

Carbohydrates are oxidized in our bodies for fuel (via glycolysis and cellular respiration). This is necessary for life, so obviously we cannot go without them.

Even if we eat a zero carbohydrate diet our livers have a process called gluconeogenesis which will manufacture glucose for our cells to use. Thus, carbohydrates are not universally bad; it is the magnitude of how much we consume which is bad for us.

Image from

As we examined before simple and refined carbohydrates are very bad in most cases. Simple sugars are absorbed into our bodies via cotransport (symport) from the intestinal lumen into the blood stream. This requires no energy and is very quick.

A quick spiking in carbohydrates into the bloodstream leads insulin spiking to drive the sugars into tissues such as muscles for energy and fat cells for storage. As we explained before, oxidation of these sugars are extremely inflammatory.

This inflammation is strong enough to increase the levels of C-reactive protein, TNF-alpha (tumor necrosis factor-alpha), and other markers of inflammation strongly. Unfortunately, I am not going to go in depth to discuss these factors, but you can research them in pubmed or google at your leisure.

Clearly, this is one of the ways that the arteries themselves start to become inflammed.

Starches, however, found in most vegetables are more slowly absorbed. This causes less of an insulin spike, and less inflammatory reactions in the body.

I intentionally left wheat and other grains out of the starches. While they are more slow absorbing, a lot of wheat products are highly inflammatory in the gut. This is not just true of celiac patients – most people have some sort of sensitivity to gluten even if you are not aware of it. I would suggest everyone at least try gluten free eating to see if your health improves especially if you have intestinal issues or other inflammatory conditions such as asthma.

Fruits, as mentioned before, are mostly composed of simple sugars, but they do have a lot of anti-oxidants to counter the effects of the sugar. They are at best, neutral, and at worst (if consumed extensively) possibly detrimental by stimulating inflammation. Kurt Harris, one of the strong proponents of very low carbohydrate Paleo eating, has said that fruits have evolved to contain anti-oxidants BECAUSE of the inflammatory nature of carbohydrates in the body. Something interesting to think about.

In general, if you are going to eat carbohydrates stay away from anything processed. And stick with fruits and vegetables. Mostly vegetables.

Regarding mass consumptions of fruits I would avoid this because they are all carbs. If anything it would not be a good idea to eat anymore than 1-2 cups of fruit per day because of the high carbohydrate content. The berries — strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, etc. — tend to be a lot better than most fruits nutrient-wise and are a little less on the sugar content. I would eat most of my fruits, if you are going to eat them, from these.

Again, what is healthy? Real foods. Fruits and vegetables.

FatsTo the top

Fats are an interesting topic because they are demonized in general by the government and many other of the top level medical organizations. This is one of the biggest delusions and blunders of modern nutrition.

First, let’s hash out why some fats are good and some fats are bad.

Omega 6 fatty acids are highly inflammatory polyunsaturated fatty acids. Conversely, Omega 3 fatty acidsare highly anti-inflammatory.

Obviously, given what we know about inflammation above we know that Omega-6 fatty acids are “bad” and Omega-3 fatty acids are “good.” We should not get too far ahead of ourselves though because our bodies need an adequate balance of O 6:3 ratios to operate optimally. If we go overboard with anti-inflammatories we put ourselves at risk for developing illnesses and other maladies much easier. There has to be a balance.

From what I’ve read the optimal ratio is around 2:1, 3:2, or 1:1 O 6:3. If more people are interested in this I may do a bit more research into it.

However, the typical “Western Diet” which is composed of a lot of processed foods typically have ratios in excess of 10:1 or as high as 30:1 in favor of Omega 6s over Omega 3s. This is because of the content of processed oils, especially vegetable oils, contained in the foods.

Image from

As you can see there is an extremely high amount of omega 6 content in the vegetable and seed oils used in the industrial manufacturing process on a per calorie basis. There is no sources of omega 3s in most processed foods. Thus, chronic inflammatory conditions are likely to develop by eating processed foods.

nuts and seeds and oilsTo the top

Likewise, most nuts and seeds have very poor omega 6:3 ratios. Hence, why pigging out on nuts is ill advised.

The ones with the least amount of omega 6s or decent ratios are the better ones to eat. Walnuts, cashews, almonds, hazelnuts, and brazil nuts are good but should only be eaten in moderation.

For those with worse amount of inflammatory fats present in the body, nuts can often start to help by bringing the ratios back towards normal. Definitely not recommended on going overboard to start to get back to optimal health though.

Images from — and

Sorry, some repeats on the images.

Fatty meats, lard (pig fat), tallow (beef & lamb fat)To the top

Here is where it gets interesting.

As you can see from a couple of the charts above the content of most of the meats actually do not too poor omega 6:3 ratios in some cases. Thus, eating fatty meat is indeed neutral at worst and good at best.

To further this interesting find, we should know that numerous studies (onetwothreefourfive) have shown that grass feeding (a.k.a. NATURAL) of livestock increases omega 3 content.

This is clearly an overlooked phenomena, and if you are a hater of the meat industry it is just another good reason to hate them. They grain feed because it fattens up the livestock much more quickly, but it also distorts not only the health of the livestock but our health as well.

We are what we eat… but we also are what we eat eats.

Eating fatty meat or fat from grass fed animals is much healthier (and decreases risk of cardiovascular incidents such as heart attacks) than eating food from grain fed animals. Eating fatty meat compared to a diet in processed foods is much healthier though not as good as grass fed animals.

Although there are distorted omega 6:3 ratios in grain fed animals, the industrial seed oils tend to contain a much bigger imbalance of the omega 6:3 ratios in addition to the excessive simple carbohydrates. Hence, why eating fatty meat from grain fed animals would be healthier than processed food alternatives.

The fact that saturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids are relatively inflammatory neutral means it is fine to consume them. Olive oil is a monounsaturated fatty acid that has a fair amount of anti-inflammatory properties to it. Also, if you take a look at the coconut oil (which is composed of pretty much all medium chain saturated triglycerides — all saturated fat) you will see that the omega 6:3 ratio is very good. And it is considered a healthy saturated fat.

If I had a nickle every time someone told me that the fatty meat I’m eating is going to kill me I’d be rich. But it feels good to know that my fatty meat tastes damn good and is healthy for me.

Fats conclusionTo the top

So what can we conclude here.

We know that fats that cause inflammation are bad. These are the ones composed of high omega 6 fatty acids or high omega 6:3 ratios.

Most processed food contains large amounts of processed oils. Just go into any supermarket and look at the list of ingredients. You will almost always see the vegetable oils listed – sunflower, safflower, canola, soybean, corn, etc. These are terrible for you. Not to mention most processed foods contain a lot of refined carbohydrates. It’s a double bad whammy for your body.

What is the general conclusion though?

Nuts are fine in moderate. Animal fats are fine. Nut, seed, and vegetable oils are poor.

See a pattern here?

In our evolutionary history there was an abundance of animal fats to eat after killing. Grass fed animals. Nuts were available to us in moderation. However, we had absolutely no access to nut, seed, or vegetable oils which are products of the manufacturing process.

What is healthy? Real foods.

ProteinTo the top

I’m not going to talk about this except a paragraph or two.

Protein for all intents and purposes has other roles in the body (nitrogen balance, metabolism, etc.) but is not specifically correlated with raising inflammatory markers as much as carbohydrates and fat.

Yes, eating protein DOES spike insulin, but it is accompanied with corresponding increases in glucagon which keeps blood sugar normalized and thus inflammatory processes on the down low.

Protein is essential for those looking to gain muscle, lose fat, and stay healthy with exercise though so it is definitely an important nutrient. Just not a risk factor in CVD.

Are you overweight?To the top

There is one thing I haven’t mentioned yet and that is if you are obese or overweight on a refined or processed food diet.

If you are someone looking to get your weight down, and you have gotten to be overweight from refined or processed foods we have a problem. The fat stored within the adipose tissue is still primarily composed of omega 6 fatty acids. They are still potently inflammatory even in the cells.

The trick is to counter this with anti-inflammatory foods. It will not only help reduce inflammation, but it will also help mobilize energy to help you lose weight. The main way you can do this is supplementing fish oil.

There’s many recommendations on this so I’ll just post two:

1. Robb Wolf tends to recommend anywhere from .5-1g of EPA+DHA per 10 lbs of body mass per day. So someone at 200 lbs would be taking 10-20g of EPA+DHA per day.

2. Charles Poliquin has recommended your percentage of bodyfat in grams per day. So if you’re 30% bodyfat then take 30g of EPA+DHA per day.

These are just two recommendations, but supplementing fish oil is definitely important to help get inflammation down.

Lovaza is the prescription fish oil if you don’t feel safe buying supplements. If you’re overweight/obese you may be able to get one from your doc and insurance will pick up most of the tab.

I’ll talk a little more about this in the conclusion though.

The conclusionTo the top

So what is our overarching conclusion now that we have investigated systemic inflammation and its primary cause in developing atherosclerosis?

Eat real foods. It’s that simple.

Stay away from processed and refined carbohydrates. Stay away from anything with partially or hydrogenated vegetable oils in it. This is pretty much everything that comes in a package – chips, baked goods, soda, candy, etc. Bread is not much better because it is composed of refined carbohydrates.

If anything, stay away from wheat as much as possible because of the gut inflammation. It is a real food, but it does have negative side effects much like some other poisonous plants (hemlock comes to mind).

Remember, plants and grains have evolutionarily evolved to contain nutrients that deter animals from eating them. They do contain some anti-nutrients for nutrients that help. Vegetables in general are better than grains both in nutrients and lack of anti-nutrients. Remember, all those grain cereals or bread you are eating the manufacturers are MADE to add vitamins and minerals to them. This is not something you want to eat.

Fruits have evolved to contain lots of carbohydrates, but the anti-oxidants to handle the carbohydrates.

Eat fat from real sources. Nuts sparingly because of somewhat poor omega 6:3 ratios. Meat fat is neutral at worst and good at best; tallow and lard are the same. All the better if you get it grass fed.

I did not touch on eggs and dairy above. Eggs are healthy. The yolk is definitely healthy – as you know it contains most of the nutrients and cholesterol by itself is not bad for you. In fact, your liver creates most of the cholesterol for your body so dietary cholesterol is a moot point.

Avoid dairy and eggs are you are allergic. Allergies are highly inflammatory. If you are fine with eating dairy and eggs then go for it. Very healthy. Raw milk is much better than the pasteurized garbage in the stores. Eggs are obviously better if they are allowed to free range (omega 3 eggs).

We evolved to do well on a diet of real foods, so why is it any surprised when we eat our processed foods that our health fails us?

In summary,

1. Eat a wide variety of plants.
2. Fruit in moderation. Berries tend to be a lot better than most.
3. Animal fats and butters are good. Especially if they are grass fed.
4. Cook with animal fats or better ratio O 6:3 oils such as coconut or olive.
5. Eat nuts sparingly.
6. Eggs are healthy if you are not allergic. The yolk is healthy. Omega 3 eggs if possible.
7. Dairy is fine if not allergic. Drink WHOLE MILK; skim is all sugar and inflammatory.

Do nots:
1. Stay away from grains
2. Stay away from refined foods.
3. Stay away from anything with processed oils.
4. Processed substitutes are bad. For example, margerine (composed of polyunsaturated vegetable oils) is very bad compared to real butter.

Note: some proponents of Paleo nutrition (gluten free + eat real foods) would have you go low or very low carbohydrate with healthy fats. This has been proven extremely effective in reversing much inflammation. If you are obese or overweight it may be advisable to go this route. If you are healthy, it is still advised in many cases.

And our “new” food pyramid looks something like this:

Image courtesy of Mark’s Daily Apple

Note: again, fruits should be less than vegetables here and can be eliminated totally if you’re having issues with the sugar content.

Countering inflammationTo the top

There are only two supplements I universally recommend to everyone. Fish oil and vitamin D.

Both are anti-inflammatory, but obviously fish oil is the more potent of the two. Vitamin D does a lot of other stuff besides being an anti-inflammatory. Click on the above link and check it out if you have not already.

Regardless, if you are going to cheat on your diet and eat processed foods (which most of us once in a while) it is important to help counter the inflammation with supplementation. Even if you are not eating any processed food at all and eating clean, it can be a good thing to take inflammation because of the residual effects of grain fed meat and/or other nuts. Oily fish can be a good substitute as well.

I try to take at least 5-7g per day which has been working great. This evens out to around .5g per 10 lbs body mass or 1g per % body fat for me.

I would suggest all you who eat clean do similarly. Take more if you are having weight issues.

This is the fish oil I take (liquid orange flavored) and this is the vitamin D I take. “ LOW052 “ will get you a $5 discount on your order and save me some money too if you’re going to buy.

I hope you learned a lot about cardiovascular disease and eating well. Remember, when in doubt eat real food.

By Steven Low

Published: May 24, 2010

Hungry for new recipes? Check out this re-post from Mark Sisson!

Primal Blueprint Recipes on Mark’s Daily Apple

pb recipes 2

Grab a copy of The Primal Blueprint Cookbook Today!

The Primal Blueprint Cookbook
I hope the recipes above will help jump start your Primal eating plan. To really kick things into high gearpick up a copy of the official Primal Blueprint Cookbook.

With over 100 all-new (never before seen on MDA), mouth-watering recipes with easy-to-follow instructions and nearly 400 brilliant, full-color, glossy photographs to guide and inspire you, it’s a must-have resource for any Primal Blueprinter.

Order today and you’ll get free S&H (domestic orders only) and a free Primal Blueprint Poster($14.95 value). Grok on!

Alphabet soup – Vitamin A

We’re going to make a little journey through the world of vitamins and minerals, starting with, you guessed it, Vitamin A. But before we begin our journey, let me make one point to remember all along the way: when you eat adequate amounts and a wide variety of REAL FOOD and you avoid  things that have a negative effect upon the absorption and use of the nutritional benefits of those foods (for example, grains, legumes, and processed foods), you will probably be taking in plenty of vitamins and minerals to maintain your health. You don’t need to say “today I will eat carrots in order to get my Vitamin A”, for example!

Vitamin A is one of the fat-soluble vitamins, meaning that it is stored in the fat tissues of the body anywhere from a few days up to six months. It is needed for new cell growth, healthy skin, hair, and tissues, and vision in dim light.

According to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases:

“Vitamin A is a family of compounds that play an important role in vision, bone growth, reproduction, cell division, and cell differentiation. We get vitamin A from a variety of sources. Two of the most common sources are retinol and beta-carotene.

Retinol is sometimes called “true” vitamin A because it is nearly ready for the body to use. Retinol is found in such animal foods as liver, eggs, and fatty fish. It also can be found in many fortified foods, such as breakfast cereals, and in dietary supplements.

Beta-carotene is a precursor for vitamin A. The body needs to convert it to retinol or vitamin A for use. Beta-carotene is found naturally in mostly orange and dark green plant foods, such as carrots, sweet potatoes, mangos, and kale.

The body stores both retinol and beta-carotene in the liver, drawing on this store whenever more vitamin A is needed.

Most of the reported cases of vitamin A toxicity have been blamed on the use of supplements. Healthy individuals who eat a balanced diet generally do not need a vitamin A supplement.”

According to the Linus Pauling Institute, Vitamin A is crucial to night vision, normal functioning of the immune system, the creation of red blood cells and the mobilization of stored iron into hemoglobin. Vitamin A also plays a huge role in cellular differentiation and influences numerous physiological processes. Vitamin A deficiency is the leading cause of blindness in children in developing nations, and “children who are only mildly deficient in vitamin A have a higher incidence of respiratory disease and diarrhea as well as a higher rate of mortality from infectious disease compared to children who consume sufficient vitamin A.”

There are plenty of good sources of both retinol and Beta-carotene. Vitamin A is found in dark green and yellow vegetables and yellow fruits, such as broccoli, spinach, turnip greens, collards, kale, beet, mustard and dandelion greens, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, red peppers, chinese cabbage, cantaloupe, and apricots, and in animal sources such as organ meats (liver & giblets), pickled herring, fish & shellfish, fish oil, milk, butter, cheese, and whole eggs.

Here’s a recipe that’s loaded with Vitamin A, from

Ridiculously Easy Pumpkin and Carrot Soup


Half of a small sized pumpkin
4 large carrots
1 large ognion
1 cube of chicken stock
a couple fresh leaves of parsley
1/3 a clove of garlic
one sprig of chervil
a couple of leaves of coriander
3 tbs of olive oil


Peel the carrots and the pumpkin. (You’ll be surprized how easy it is to peel a pumpkin with a potato peeler).Cut the pumpkin into large chunks and remove the seeds. Once the seeds are out, you can cut it up further in smaller chunks. Chop the carrots into pieces of about a 1/2 inch (a good cm) wide, and chop up the oignon. Crush the garlic.

Grab a very large pot for soup and pour in some olive oil. Add the ognion and heat them gently until slightly golden. Add the garlic. Add the carrot and pumpkin. Depending on the size of the pumpkin, you might have too much.(you’ve got to much if you’ve added so much pumpkin that you can’t find your carrots back)If that is the case, you can easily freeze the remaining pumpkin for later use.

Turn down the heat and add some water to the pot. You should fill the pot about halfway up to the height of the pumpkin and carrots. Don’t add to much, as you’ll loose the taste. Cover the pot and allow it to heat gently.

Now this is done, it’s time to chop de herbs! Chop up the chervil,parsley and coriander. Try to smell the herbs individually! If afterwards you find your soup tastes to strong, you’ll be able to tell which herb to use less of in future because you know its smell! Keep some coriander aside as we’ll use this to sprinkle on top after.

Throw the chopped herbs into the pot of simmering soup and give it spin to make sure the herbs are nicely mixed in between the rest. Cover it up with the lid and let it do its thing.After about 25 minutes, check if the carrots are cooked. They should be nice and soft, not soggy. Grab a heavy spoon and gently crush the pumpkin and carrot – you should have a thick mixture with lots of chunks of carrot and pumpkin. Turn of the heat and allow it to cool down a bit – you’re going to be blending the whole lot.

In the meatime, heat a small pan of water and add the chicken stock. Don’t bring it to the boil, just make sure the stock dissolves.

Thoroughly blend the soup now that it as cooled down to obtain a lovely, creamy, thick texture. Pour the blended into another large pot (you can use the same one if you’ve rinsed it from the remaining bits).

You should have a very thick smooth soup now. Add the warm stock gently while stirring until you find the soup runny enough to your liking.

Sprinkle with some coriander and enjoy…

Pick, what?

Have you ever heard of the term, “U-pick”?

When I first saw this word, I was like, “Pick, what?”

This past Saturday was quite interesting. Initially, the plan was to hang out w/ some friends. Hanging out w/ friends with no plan sounds fun, right? But then I thought it would be fun to actually go and do something completely out of the norm. So I suggested that we go do something that was pretty random…even for me. When I brought up the idea, everyone unanimously said, “Yah, that sounds cool.” I wasn’t sure what this adventure would bring for us, but I knew it had to be fun because it was something you normally don’t ask people to do.

As we were driving down the Highway 4 towards Brentwood, the word “U-pick” popped up quite frequently. At that point, I knew we were close to our destination, Pomeroy Farms. This past weekend we went CHERRY PICKING! Pretty cool, huh? As we got out of the car, we were all really excited to see what was in store for us..and who wouldn’t be excited for cherries priced at $2.50 per pound. Not only were they super cheap, juicy, organic, and delicious but you even got to eat them right off the trees, which we definitely took advantage of. Bing, White Rainier, and Brooks cherry trees covered the huge farm. Since the orchard opened only two weeks ago, we knew that there were many, many cherries that needed to be picked. I was so excited that I hopped from tree to tree picking as much as I could, and definitely sampling as much as I could. In two hours, I managed to pick 7 lbs. of cherries and ate about 1.5 lbs. of it.

After cherry picking, we saw a sign for “U-pick Peach picking”. You could guess what happened. At $2.00 per pound, I don’t think you could beat that anywhere. Sampling was definitely allowed, and that’s what we did. It was fun, but not as much fun as cherry picking.

This summer, I think you all should head down to Pomeroy Farms, and take advantage of the peaches, nectarines, and apricots that they have. If you are a frequent farmers market attendee and enjoy having fresh, organic produce right at your fingertips, I suggest you take advantage of the crops this season and make your way to farms/orchards that allow you to pick your own fruit/veggies. There is no feeling more satisfying than knowing where your food comes from.

From this whole experience, I came home darker than ever and with  a stomach full of peaches and cherries. Cherry Picking is fun. If you haven’t tried it, you better get on it.

Take advantage of the fruits and vegetables that are available this season. Trust me, you will be doing yourself a huge favor.

Have a great day!



Re-post of an awesome article on Canola Oil – Diane Sanfilippo



(Only since the 1980s- read: NEW FOOD! NEW FOODS ARE NOT REAL FOODS)

How the Rapeseed becomes the yellow colored, mild smelling oil that’s on shelves in stores goes something like this:

Rapeseeds + high heat processing with hexane (a chemical solvent) = a grey, awful smelling, non-smooth oil.

> grey, awful smelling, non-smooth oil is then chemically bleached and de-gummed

> bleached and de-gummed, awful smelling oil is then chemically deodorized

> bleached, de-gummed, chemically deodorized oil is then dyed yellow and bottled in plastic

For the full process, check out this industry link. The process is actually longer than listed above, but those are the big steps. The description via this link gets into detail but the summary they provide for Rapeseed oil refining is as follows:

“The refining process involves degumming, neutralization, drying, bleaching, and deodorization. Crude oil from extraction has to be refined to obtain a high quality oil. Natural impurities of crude rapeseed oil include water, dirt, phosphatide gums, free fatty acids, color matter, odiferous and flavorous substances, natural breakdown and oxidation products of the oil itself. There are two methods for refining edible oils: alkali and physical refining.”

HEALTHY OIL? HMM… What do you think?

Also, according to Mary Enig, author of “Know Your Fats,” a book considered to be THE leading resource on the subject of fats and oils, Canola oil “was produced by genetically modifying the parent rapeseed so that the monounsaturated fatty acid would be oleic acid instead of another monounsaturated fatty acid caled erucic acid. Erucic acid-containing rapeseed oil is considered undesirable as a food by the US and Canadian governments.” And “like any highly unsaturated fat, it needs to be carefully handled as it becomes rancid very easily.” The effects of genetically modified crops are still unknown, but many predict that they won’t be positive as time goes on. If that’s not reason enough to avoid canola oil…


Highly unsaturated fats like Canola oil oxidize VERY easily. Leave a bottle open on a counter for a week. Smell what happens. Do the same with coconut oil or even butter. Smell what happens. The chemical structure of unsaturated fats is VERY delicate. When something in their environment isn’t perfect, their structure is changed easily, causing them to oxidize. This is one reason why we say that olive oil shouldn’t be heated or only on very low temperatures- so that it’s chemical structure can remain in tact. Once these structures are changed, the body can’t use them as intended.

Coconut and other saturated fats are far more STABLE and do no chemically change when heat is applied (at least not as easily, it will take much higher heat for longer periods of time), so when they enter our bodies, they’re in-tact and our bodies recognize them as what they are from nature. Oxidized or rancid oils in the body enter and cannot be biochemically understood as food. They enter and are more like a PLASTIC in the body, or a toxin. Our body does not metabolize toxins but rather STORES them – in our fat cells. This leads to inflammation. Inflammation is a key player in many chronic diseases, weight gain, weight loss resistance, general feeling of fatigue, pain and lethargy, joint pain, etc. While I recognize that canola oil’s fatty acid profile is high in health-promoting omega 3s, neglecting to look beyond that one seemingly positive attribute of the oil (which becomes a moot point once the oil is oxidized, which we can see happens extremely easily) paints a false picture of this oil’s true composition and function in our bodies.

I hope that was enough information on why canola oil is bad. Coconut oil, why it’s good- I have to save that for another day. I need some dinner.

In the event that you’d like to read more on canola oil, a simple search on for “canola oil” reveals many results. He’s a trusted naturopathic doctor who has long provided valuable medical guidance to living a healthier life, naturally. Robb Wolf also covers a bit about coconut oil in his Paleolithic Solution podcast, Episode 23 which is free for anyone to listen to streaming or download. I love that podcast.

Enjoy & be well!

Diane Sanfilippo

BS, C.H.E.K. Holistic Lifestyle Coach

Owner, Balanced Bites Holistic Nutrition & Wellness

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Meet Michael Pollan

If you haven’t discovered him yet, Michael Pollan will change the way you think about food. Here are several ways to get to know him and his work.

Food, Inc.
(I think we need to have a Movie night at the gym so we can watch it together! What do you think?)

The Omnivore’s Dilemma
In Defense of Food
Food Rules

Print Interviews:
The Food Movement, Rising in the June, 2010 New York Times Review of Books
Frontline on PBS interview

Audio Interviews
Food Rules on “Democracy Now”, Feb. 2010
On Point with Tom Ashbrook, Jan. 2010
NPR Science Friday – Jan 2008

Video interviews:
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, Jan. 2010
With Bill Moyers on PBS, Part 1
With Bill Moyers on PBS, Part 2

The Next Omnivore’s Dilemma – TED talk 2008
A Plant’s Eye View – TED talk 2008
UC Davis Forum at the Mondavi Center 2008

No excuses Nutrition

There’s so much great material about Nutrition available now, that it is getting hard to keep up with all the posts! When I come across a gem, I’ll share it here in case you haven’t found it yourself. Here’s one from a fellow CrossFitter and inspiration-extraordinaire, Kyle Maynard.

If you haven’t encountered Kyle before, here’s an introduction from his new website:

“Traffic jams, bills, bad weather, and work are things everyone complains about, but Kyle Maynard doesn’t complain. Born without arms or legs below his elbows and knees, he excels as a champion athlete, motivational speaker, author, model, and entrepreneur.

A 2004 ESPY award winner, Kyle has appeared as a guest on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Larry King Live, ABC’s 20/20, Good Morning America, the CBS Early Show. He has also appeared on HBO Real Sports, and as a cover story in USA Today. Kyle continues to inspire others as the author of his autobiography, No Excuses (2005), a New York Times Best Seller.

He recently opened his first fitness center, No Excuses CrossFit, in Suwanee, GA. He continues to train and compete in power lifting and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. And amidst much debate over his capability to compete in the sport, on April 25th 2009, Kyle made history by becoming the first quadruple amputee fighter ever to step into a cage and fight in Mixed Martial Arts.

Today, Kyle travels the U.S. and the world delivering his inspirational message to a wide range of audiences. He is extremely passionate about his work with the Wounded Warriors and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Kyle has accomplished it all with no complaints and No Excuses!”